(Diseases taken from pool- English verion below)
RO: Cele mai frecvente boli care le poti luat de la bazin, piscina, strand sau alte locuri unde mergi la baie sau inot sunt:
1. Micoza piciorului. Este cea mai frecventa afectiune care o
poti luat de la bazin pentru ca e cel mai usor de contactat si cea mai
raspandita datorita umezelii pardoselilor si a faptului ca majoritatea
oamenilor umbla desculti.
Partea piciorului cel mai des afectata este cea dintre degete si baza
degetelor. Micoza piciorului se manifesta prin mancarimi, iritatie,
inrosirea si descuamarea pielii din zona afectata si poate fi insotita
de un miros neplacut. Afectiunea se observa abia la 1-2 zile dupa vizita
la piscina.
Preventie: purtati intotdeauna papuci cand iesiti din bazin.
Tratament: creme si solutii antimicotice pe care le gasiti in farmacii impreuna cu informatiile despre utilizare.
2. Trichomonioza, boala localizata in zona genitala care se poate
lua din apa bazinului daca o persoana infectata face baie in acel
bazin. Afectiunea se manifesta printr-o secretie alba spumoasa urat
3. Conjuctivita de piscina, o afectiune frecvent intalnita care
se ia din apa bazinelor in general cu apa calda si se manifesta prin
inrosirea ochilor si scurgeri purulente la cateva zile dupa contactarea
4. Otita de bazin este frecvent intalnita vara la persoanele care
se scufunda in apa. Simptomele sunt senzatie de ureche infundata,
mancarimi si durere la nivelul urechii.
5. Pitiriazisul este o afectiune a pielii produse de o ciuperca
numita Pitiriazis versicolor. Se evidentiaza prin pete de culoare
cafenie in general localizate in zona toracelui. Se poate contacta din
bazin sau de pe un sezlong folosit de o persoana bolnava.
6. Diareea datorita ingerarii apei infectate din bazin care deregleaza flora intestinala prin multiplicarea bacteriilor ingerate.
Pentru detalii nu ezitati sa intrebati medicul sau farmacistul.
EN: The most common diseases that you can take from swimming, pool, beach or other places where you go to the relax, cool down or swimming are:
1. Athlete’s foot. It is the most common disorder that can take from pool because it’s the easiest and most prevalent contacted floors and moisture due to the fact that most people walk barefoot.
The most commonly affected foot is the base of the fingers and toes. Athlete’s foot is manifested by itching, irritation, redness and peeling of the skin in the affected area and may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor. The disease is seen only in 1-2 days after visiting the pool.
Prevention: Always wear shoes when you exit the pool.
Treatment: antifungal creams and solutions that can be found in pharmacies along with information about the user.
2. Trichomonioza, localized disease in the genital area that can get in the water tank if an infected person can bathe in that pool. The condition is appear by sparkling white smelly discharge.
3. Conjunctivitis pool, a common health problem that is taken from water pools in general hot water and is manifested by redness and purulent discharge a few days after contacting them.
4. Otitis in the summer is common to people who are immersed in water. Symptoms are clogged ear sensation, itching, and ear pain.
5. Pityriasis is a skin condition caused by a fungus called Pityriasis versicolor. It is characterized by brown spots usually located in the chest area. Contacting from the pool or from a sunbed used by a sick person.
6. Diarrhea from a ingesting infected with pool water that disrupts the intestinal flora by multiplying bacteria ingested.
For more details please ask your doctor or a pharmacist.
Stay healty!
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