Love for organic products – English version below
RO: De ceva vreme, am citit toate etichetele produselor naturale care mi-au trecut prin mana pentru ca mi-am propus sa folosesc cat mai multe cosmetice naturale sau chiar bio/organice.
Dupa ce am dat cateva cautari pe Google si pe diferinte bloguri am ajuns la magazinul online OrganicBaby unde am gasit o multime de produse, toate organice si pentru adulti si pentru copii. Aici au nu doar cosmetice, am gasit detergenti, alimente si bauturi, siropuri naturale, chiar si parfumuri naturale BIO.
Daca ati cumparat produse de la ei, spuneti-mi ce ati ales si ce parere aveti?
Daca inca nu cunoaste-ti acest site, va sugerez sa aruncati o privire folosind acest link.
Astept parerile si impresiile voastre.
EN: For a while, I read all labels of natural products that I went through the hand that I wanted to use as many natural organic cosmetics and products
After I made a few searches on Google and difference of blogs I came OrganicBaby online store where I found a lot of products, all organic adults and children products. They have not just cosmetic, I found detergents, food and beverages, syrups natural, even organic natural perfumes.
If you purchase products from them, tell me what you chose and what do you think?
If you still do not know this site, I suggest you take a look using this link.
Waiting for your opinions and impressions.
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